Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Young Goodman Brown : Q & A

  1. What do you think Hawthorne's purpose was for writing this story?
  2. Hawthorne states that Brown's wife is "aptly named" Faith.  After reading the story, do you agree?  Does Faith's name fit her personality?  Does Brown have true faith in her?
  3. What do you think the pink ribbons signify?
  4. Was everything Brown witnessed real, a figment of his imagination, something conjured by evil, or a dream?  Support your answer with passages from the text.
  5. Who do you think the old man really is?  What textual clues tell you this?
  6. What does the staff represent?  Do you think the staff leads Brown onward or is the primary motivator Brown's own conscience/mind?
  7. If Brown had not ventured into the forest, how would his life be different?  If he'd stayed home, would Brown still have Faith?  Would he still trust his wife and his fellow townspeople

      ANSWERS : 
      1.) His purpose for writing this story was because from the guilt he felt over having an ancestor who served as a judge for the Salem witch trials. 
      2.) Yes I feel like faith fits as her name because through her life something or someone gave faith towards her and set her with her mind to believe in faith and to cherish it and it fits her personality because she's a butterfly waiting to fly and let go. Brown kinda has true faith in her by believing in what he sees with her.
      3.) I feel that the pink ribbons signify as cancer and it gives her signs to realize that she should go to the doctor and see if she has cancer ..
      4.) Brown of what happened is all that matters. Much like Brown, we all must take a journey "into the woods"; we all must learn that everyone is made up of some good or some evil. How we deal with that knowledge is what is important. Brown can not (or choses not to) deal with what he learns. He wants people on his terms; he has developed a certain expectation of his catechism teacher, his pastor, his wife, and that is the way that he will take them ... no other. 
     5.) Goodman Brown shows both innocence and corruptibility as he vacillates between believing in the inherent goodness of the people around him and believing that the devil has taken over the minds of all the people he loves.
     6.) What is interesting is the way that this "staff" is carved as a snake, which is of course a symbol of temptation and evil.
     7.) Brown makes his way into the forest, mulling over "his present evil purpose" and fearing for his safety and finds a cemetery that gives him bad news towards his life. 

Right to your opinion

I think we should all have a right to our opinion of speech because we own what we speak and we also have the freedom of speech and with that said we can have all different types of opinions that we will argue or speak our minds about things and people will either disagree or agree with using facts or their own opinions. I speak my own mind and will have the same idea or thought that you have, but if I think different then I will create my opinion and speak it. There is no law or rule to not speak what you want to speak so why not speak your opinions. It's always good, but sometimes it will get in a disagreement, but that's where you will learn more facts or ideas about the topic or you will teach them new ideas or topics, so with all that said, speaking your mind and opinions will help everyone and anyone out with saying what you have to say and to speak and create ideas for them to understand because eventually we collaborate and use eachother for new pr old information to use in the future or in this case, our classroom.

Reflections on week 1

No I don't think I will have any difficulties for this blog or participation in class because I have technology and computer use which is my phone and computer. The only thing I could think of that was a amazing learning experience was my hip hop and jazz dance class that taught me to memorize and participate to new ideas that will help us and to not be shy and do what you love the most. Also it taught me to have fun, but to always remember the routine. I learned new dance moves and new steps In order to ace our finals & the process was great! I'm happy to learn new processes in this class and to be a part of a collaboration to come up with new steps or routines in order for us to succeed!

Assignment #1

The reasons I want to take this class is to learn how to use a blog and to create amazing memories from different unique ideas that might become successful in the future and the other reasons I wanted to take this class was because It seemed really interesting and fun to actually blog and use a lot of technology. Which I love & this English class seemed really different from all the other English classes and that's what caught my attention too. I'm excited to be a part of this class and do a actual blog for this course and to have fun with different experiences this year! My goals for this class is to learn and unique ideas or this class and to walk out knowing that I'm doing something different and learning amazing techniques and ideas. Richard Cory would never use an open source program because he wouldn't want to be judge by other people like the way he already was and he would of wanted his life to be basically private and not open.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ancient stories

       These stories " Richard Cory " and " White Woman Buffalo Calf Women "  have a very unique language in them that created a meaning for them, but we all don't really hear them everyday because those were " back in the day " language that issued a perspective about things they talked about. Till this day we use language that is still being created and that has a general meaning that we all understand and heard about and have it set in our heads to know how it's spelled, what's does it mean, and have an image about it in our mind. So it's very different to hear different language be said in those stories, but it's also cool to learn new language. The story " White Woman Buffalo Calf Women " to be repeated word for word to make it sound better is always great to hear the original story instead of it being enhanced with different words to make it not original. Also with that being said this ancient story should be repeated with great value from the original and not copies. It takes a lot of meaning from the first copy to be told right and to understand better, then leading to a not knowing version because it's been edited from someone else to change it around a little and not make sense at all. So that's my opinion on that, and to conclude this post I would just like to say that these ancient stories are very imaginative to listen too and interesting! Love it!